Christmas Presence
What is it we long for
Christmas presents
Christmas Presence
Only Candles
Only candles burn and soon
The lights will be gone
Only I know deeper
I cannot rush this burning
I cannot prepare enough
Time rushes now and it is both too quick
And too slow
If only it were over
But then if it were
I would not yet be ready
What is needed?
I think of time
Time to prepare
But my heart
Rushes time
Or is it the uneasiness of waiting
Fear Not
Fear not!
Let melodies that haunt the canyons of remembering know
Be still
Listen tenderly ah
The time is Now.
I Am Mystery
I Am Mystery
Reflection of Love
Reflection of God
I cannot fathom the depths within
I am Mystery
Woman created
Image of God
I probe into all the unanswered whys
Never fully satisfied
How can one be satisfied if one is
Forever deepening?
I am Mystery
Not a single unit
But in unity
In relationship
In communion
I am Mystery
Called by love,
Called in love
Called to love
I am Mystery
Child of God
Body of Christ
Image of God-Trinity
Moving Moments
Sometimes waiting is long
You simply pause where
You would rather move or do or something.
Waiting is so nothing
Nothing longing for
But isn’t it odd.
No one moment is the other
Nothing is really the same.
So what is waiting?
Only those too blind to see really wait
Those with seeing hearts create a newness
Each moment and are alive to all.
Then there is waiting only the
Wonder of moving moments.
Justice Love
I feel this anger and I am afraid
Am I the one unjust in my perceptions
Unwilling to see the reality?
Or is my anger a cry for justice
Within the reality of all I love?
I look to go deeper yet hesitate
Because it is painful.
I long for the simple beauty,
Simpler truth, but it is not simple
Yet perhaps it is.
It is so connected and I hesitate.
I fear to speak justice
because it is so fragilly entwined
In the hearts of those I love.
I fear to cry out because
I love and because I love
I have no choice but to cry out.
But then I must absorb the pain.
How does one absorb the pain of justice love?
For who am I to define what is just?
I look to Christ but who is to say I see?
I am among the needy even as I stand
Both sinner and lover.
Ah, the pain is the love
And the desire for something greater,
Something deeper.
And the pain is the sense of loss.
Or the fear that something precious
Might be lost or never found.
Somewhere in the centering of it all is life
But life is not mine to contain.
Ah yes, life untamed, beautiful life.
I am but a part of the connecting
Where Christ is the source-center.
It is in this Christ reality that all is made whole
All is healed, all is transformed.
And who is to heart?
Yes, Christ and yes in Christ, we.
Love-justice is we in Christ
The pain I feel is not mine alone
But ours in Him.
And so the joy and love and all this is Life..
Munchkins—they are the little ones
The ones shushed and hushed
But never quieted—not really.
They are the children whose eyes
Delight in wonders
Whose hearts are open to love
The children who play with abandon
Begging simply to be recognized
It is so easy to love the children
And yet so often no one
Wants to be bothered by their antics
Their pleading
Their cries
Go away—go play
Leave me aloud
Let the children come to me
For thus is the Kingdom of God.
What is All This?
What is this fear tearing at my center
Seeking only light and release?
What is this unknown longing
Reaching deep within, dreaming of ecstasy?
What is this depth of knowing the unknown
And craving only to understand?
What is this Love within me, around me
So my own love or one love?
Have you given us Your love to love with
And we only gradually come to know
To give, to be given.
Ah, Lord,
What is all this?
Friendship Thank-You
I do not understand Lord
This gift you’ve given me
The sacredness of friendship
The opening to be.
I only come to thank-you
I only come to pray
Take this friend you’ve given
And bless him Lord each day
If the world grows cold around me
And the nights so lonely feel
Remind me I am loved Lord
Remind me this is real
And bless with gentle presence
And do not let us fear
And Lord help us remember
In your presence you are near.
Sacred Ground
You have touched the very depth of me
You have walked within my heart
You have listened to the soul of me
Brothers, Sisters of my heart
You have shared your gentle Mystery
You have opened a Sacred door
You have invited me to enter in
Brothers, Sisters of my heart.
Let us walk in this Mystery
With reverence here on Sacred Ground
Let us grow now in His Love
Brothers, Sisters of my heart.
Cosmic Harmony
I shall not go quietly into that dark night
Nor shall I rage in fury
With my body earth -formed and firmly rooted
My spirit shall rise up joining the star dance,
Embraced in my Beloved’s whisper
My being blossoming in cosmic harmony
Crescendoing into the glorious
Alleluia of Yes!
This fractal journey,
Calling us from being to becoming
To being, to becoming, to being, to becoming
Ever and ever deeper.
While voices of judgment, cynicism and fear
Whispered, whispered, whispered.
Together we entered
With questions of identity,
And issues for clarification,
With hopes and dreams,
And visions for the future.
We were beckoned,
Deeper and still deeper
Now plunged into the murky realms of
Holding firm with quaking hearts,
And kairos remembrance,
We find ourselves at Still-Point,
That in-between reality of space and time.
This pause, as between each breath,
Each heart beat,
Or the pulsating energy of all creation,
Holds promise.
And contemplating this Sacred Mystery
We see mirrored in
Transfiguration, our own Transformation.
And still there can be neither tents nor tabernacles.
For the Wind blows where She pleases.
And from within our enwombed immersion,
We breathe Her light
And as from the baptismal waters of fire,
Break forth in an emergence of Alleluia
If I Cringe
Deepen me Lord - No matter what
But gently
For I am fragile
Stretch me—But Lord understand if I cringe
For I am willing but unsure
Oh Lord do hear
That I am still your handmaid
Still listening
Move me.
Resurrection- Life embracing Death
In Love’s intertwining
The whisper - come forth
Light now dancing in darkness
And chaos giving rise to hope
As breakdown beckons to breakthrough
This divine Mystery ever the still point
Of completion and evolution
Transforming while singing with Alleluia voice
Mirroring both the dawning day and the setting sun
Each leaf, each flower, the once cocooned
Earth bound and entombed
Triumphant now in their spring song of inner creation
As we too join in this wholeness of Eastering
This coming forth—Christed.
Good Friday
Stark- empty only the emptiness
Remembering what was/is
The Agony
The dying -abandonment
Painfully remembering
Children- loss - suffering -weeping -
Where are those who care?
Death Friday
Gathering the memories
Body broken
Only those who remember weep.
Only those who remember laugh.
Brokeness- Resurrection
Stillness stark
Only why
My Father ,Why?
Heart Awake
Awakened passion within me
As Spirit Word enfolds
Were it my heart
I could not live with such pure passion
Such burning consuming love
I hesitate knowing
I yearn to be so taken
I yearn to be so giving
Whose heart is this within me?
Can it be my own?
I ask Your heart to hold Your love
But secretly I know such passion is then
Both death and life.
It wasn’t the Passion of the Cross that took You
From death to Life
But rather the Passion of Your Heart laid
Upon a Cross for all to behold
Is this the Passion of Bodied bread
Wine red blood
Poured out
To quench my parched thirsting soul
A world soul
Embrace of lovers
A child’s cry
An old man’s lonely death
A war torn sob of a mother whose son
Is ripped from her breast to fight
A war he is unable to understand.
The laughter of children delighting in life
The kneading of bread
Work stained callused hands
A friendship
I love you
Is this Your Eucharist
Your Passion of Love?
Stilled by the silent winter chill
Ice razored deep this waiting
Hard cold aloneness
Melting ever so slowly
Awaiting spring, awaiting life
Be born in me Christ
Forgive my bitter cold
Forgive my uncertainties
Forgive my control
Melt me then
Take me into Your Love.
You Call Me Friend
You call me friend
And hold my heart
Soft gentle to your touch
You give me strength to carry on
I love you oh so much
You listen deep and know my soul
You share your brokeness made whole
You understand the love we share
The sacredness that binds
Our journey’s walk to mountains tall
By rivers edge and canyons deep[
We share the quiet running deer
Star fallen night
And you are near.
You share your song, your story too
You take the love I offer you
In rainbowed arch we hold with love
We bless the gift from God above
And consecrated deep within
I know your love
You are my friend.
When in the ‘morrow I must go
Your love I’ll carry in my soul.
I’ll lift you up in gentle prayer
And in His love I’ll find you there
In memory with Him we’ll be
In sacredness our friendship deep
You hold my love and I hold you.
Remember friend that I love you.
Desert Woman
I am Woman
Cedar and Sage
Rocky Altar
Nurturing Body
Body Readied
Prepared to Live
Prepared to Love
Dance this Song
This Spirit Song of Creation
It Snows Now
Softly falls the snow
Covering once more
The earth with a vanishing freshness
It snows now
And I too feel
The healing balm
Peace, Be Still, Be Silent
Peace, be still, be silent
And know that I am God
And know that I love You
And know that I am here.
I am here in the falling of a tear
I am here in the laughter of a child
I am here in the silence of the moment
I am here in the longing of your heart.
I am here in the falling of a star
I am here in the dawning of the day
I am here in the friendship of a loved one
I am here in each moment that you pray
I am here in the emptiness and fullness
I am here in the darkness of the night
I am here in all pain and suffering
I am here in the abundance of joy.
The Calling
The calling of this heart
From unknown place
From within/without
Follow - Come - Follow.
Walk gently, ah tenderly.
Those who watch with wondering eyes
Question—Who walks here?
It is your home, this place
And I shall but walk awhile
But then who is ever home
This earth is ours only in the sharing
So walk gently, tenderly and follow
Mostly life is full of spaces.
Oh there are moments full and graced
Moments alive and fragrantly full
And there are moments sharp
Razor-sharp with searing pain.
But mostly life is full of spaces
The ordinary days
The ordinary times
One hardly considers the spaces.
All to swiftly
We move from moment to moment
But it is the spaces
The precious simple spaces that fill life.
Falling Inside
Lately I feel like there is within me
This deep hole of sadness and pain
And now I am falling inside myself
While the world explodes into a million
Sun stars.
Still, I desperately cling to the hope
That somehow I will come out on
The other side of Peace and Joy.
Somewhere in a renewed world of Being
But it is so hard to smile when you are
Tumbling through aching emptiness
And it is so hard to remember gently
When your world is an exploding star.
Out of Ideas
Out of ideas and words to speak
Out of everything —reached the peak
Nothing to say, nothing to do.
Blank and empty, nothing is new.
Out of the ordinary, out of the plain
Into the extraordinary, only what’s main
Something so special, exquisite and pure
Something that’s lasting meant to endure.
Clown Time
Stop - you can see
The Clown in me is laughing, playing, free
It is Time
Now- Now- Now
All the wonder of a child’s smile
Laughter caught in this moment
Take time and see
There is a clown in me
And yes I am the clown
Don’t you know
I am the clown
But for the sake of the Serious
I put on this common face
Waiting again for the days
I am myself
The Clown
It is Clown Time
Dreaming my Tomorrows
Long ago I learned I do not fit the mold, but that is okay.
I can color outside the lines of expectation
And create a paper airplane while others
So solemnly write their patterned lines.
Long ago I learned but somehow
I always stand up to say maybe
Maybe you will need a kite this time
Rather than a notebook.
All is well I am not abandoning my place
Only living it on a different plain .
Maybe one day I will find a whole other way
To be where flowers are more important
And life is deeper
And interconnectedness of relationships are inspirited
Windblown laughter carries me somewhere
There are no molds, no expectations
Other than love
So I unlearn
Dreaming my tomorrows.
Some say he was a dreamer.
Ah, but so much more.
It has been told that in the silence of his dreams,
He heard the whisper of the Divine.
And in that whisper, heart touched,
He believed.
He the soul deep listener of dreams,
Beckoned to journey-
Through all doubts
Beyond deepest pain
Forever to new horizons.
He held to the mystery unreservedly.
Embracing the unknown tomorrows.
And in his letting go, he did not walk alone.
Her fiat yes, entwined with his.
Offering all to Love.
Cradling the Divine.
Woman Dance
On winded wing
Carried by the gentle fire of Love
I dance my heart in praise
I am woman
Little one raised on high
I dance on the evensong with a rainbow road
becoming me through the canyons of darkness
Soft the night this dance
A blessing not of words but gathered Presence
Gently now I lift my Spirit song in body praise
And gather in this praise of this people
Dance in the darkness
Darkness is the same
As light
And I am one.
This man, listening in silence to whispering dreams divine
Believed and followed unreservedly
His transformative journey
Beckoned through pain, beyond doubts
Entering not only familiar landscapes and foreign lands
But the very depths of his soul
With every new horizon,
Embracing each unknown tomorrow,
And in his letting go, he did not walk alone
His Fiat yes ever entwined with hers.
With caring heart he loved
And with contemplative heart
He would gaze upon the face of God
Cradling Mystery
An earthly father to the Son of God.
A carpenter by trade, bound to the earth,
His hands shaping the wood
His life mirroring fatherhood, a reflection of Abba.
A man of the Torah—Love your neighbor
Daily in prayer-You shall love the Lord with all your heart
and all your mind and with all your soul
Such a deep compassionate heart arising in those
Recognizing the Cosmic interconnection of
the universe, one another, and the Divine.
Not a word of his recorded in Scripture
Yet given the deepest of accolades
Joseph a just man---a man of justice
Living righteously in justice revealed his courageous heart.