2021 CSA Preached Retreat

During the week of August 23, 2021, Sister Dianne Bergant, CSA, preached a spiritual retreat focused on a viewing Laudato Si’ from a Biblical perspective.
“Laudato Si’ - Care for our Common Home” is Pope Francis’ encyclical letter written in 2015 and addressed to “every person living on this planet.” The letter addresses the ecological crisis occurring on our common home, its causes, approaches to halt and reverse destruction, and why we must act.
Resources for each session of the retreat are listed in the video descriptions on YouTube.
2020 CSA Preached Retreat

Theme: Staying in the Fray of Life
Created by Sister Patrice Rog, CSA, this conference is designed for a 5-day virtual spiritual retreat. The topics focus on the challenge of living fully during this unusual time. Sister Patrice provides handouts with suggestions for further reflection after each video.
Contact Sister Patrice (prog5@outlook.com) if you wish to talk with her about additional spiritual reflection.
Resources for each session of the retreat are listed in the video descriptions on YouTube.