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Sisters & Seekers is based on a national program called Nuns & Nones. Our purpose is to come together as women from diverse spiritual backgrounds and belief systems to reflect on the deeper meaning and spiritual questions of our lives in a world that is chaotic, polarized, and fear-driven.

Sisters & Seekers gatherings follow these guiding principles:

  • Create safe places for relationship, dialogue, inquiry, and spiritual practice that can inform personal social action.
  • Welcome mutual learning and pluralistic thought- not persuasion of belief
  • Aim to root oneself in a personal spiritual foundation that can bring forth a more just and loving world, no longer dependent on systems of extraction and oppression.
  • At best, grows into a supportive, welcoming and committed community
  • Led by a Guiding Committee composed of two capable Sisters and two Seekers


Join Sisters & Seekers

Individuals interested in learning more about joining future Fond du Lac Area Sisters & Seekers gatherings can sign-up or get more information by emailing Sister Edie Crews


Gatherings are held monthly from 5:30 pm-7:00 pm

Founders Hall, 320 County Road K, Fond du Lac, WI 54937

Sample Format of a Gathering

Opening: Welcome and Centering

Group review of Conversation Guidelines

Individual Check-ins featuring questions such as

  • How is your heart?
  • What is a question you are holding right now?
  • What is an image that reflects how you are entering this sacred space?

Small Group Dialogue (no more than 10 per group) focused on predetermined theme or topic, facilitated by a member of the Guiding Committee.

Closing: Return to Large Group to for Individual “Check-outs” featuring questions such as

  • What word represents a feeling you have right now?
  • What is a mantra or image that you will carry as you leave this space?
  • What is a learning from our time together?
  • What is a question that remains for you and needs further reflection?

Conversation Guidelines

These conversation guidelines will be practiced by all participants and reviewed at the beginning of each meeting.


Genuine listening is powered by curiosity and an authentic desire to hear the other. When listening, we honor the other’s vulnerability and stay present to what she is saying and not thinking of what we may say next.


Be aware of yourself- knowing when to speak and when to step back. Pause and allow others space to share. Be aware of power dynamics within the group. Any dominant race, religious affiliation, sexual orientation or level of education can carry privilege and status within a group and shape our presence with others. Ensure that all voices and perspectives are being heard and valued.


Trust that no one would cause harm intentionally. We all can make mistakes. If offended, please acknowledge what was said, explain your perspective, and extend grace. If you unintentionally offend, seek forgiveness.


Allow for a brief pause between comments and hold space for silence. This creates a restful pace and allows the time for others to process what has been shared before responding.


Practice using “I statements” or “In my experience”. This acknowledges the difference between your truth, other’s truth, and THE truth.”

Guiding Committee

Sister Rhea Emmer

Spirituality has been a primary focus of my ministerial call for over 40 years. As women in particular, we need support to become aware of the extravagant gift of Unconditional Divine Love so as to awaken to the hidden wisdom of our own spiritual journey and bring that Woman Wisdom to our hurting world.

Sister Sue Seeby

Every one of us has that little holy fire within, as well as that curiosity about the mystery of our life’s meaning.  As a seeker, I am on a lifelong journey to understand our physical, emotional, spiritual being, as well as creation and our fellow beings.

Barb Murray

In my 77 years of life experience, I have been a student and a teacher; neither of these roles have failed to serve me. I have come to appreciate the wisdom of life lived with curiosity and love. I find this most often in circles of people, particularly, circles of women … hence my decision to participate in Sisters and Seekers.

Sister Edie Crews

I like the idea of Sisters and Seekers gathering together to share their lives together!! That’s why I am volunteering as the administrator for the gatherings. You’ll see most emails come from me!

November 6 - Wednesday
05:30 PM - 07:00 PM
December 4 - Wednesday
05:30 PM - 07:00 PM
February 5 - Wednesday
05:30 PM - 07:00 PM
March 5 - Wednesday
05:30 PM - 07:00 PM
April 2 - Wednesday
05:30 PM - 07:00 PM
May 7 - Wednesday
05:30 PM - 07:00 PM
June 4 - Wednesday
05:30 PM - 07:00 PM