Christmas Presence
What is it we long for
Christmas presents
Christmas Presence
Only Candles
Only candles burn and soon
The lights will be gone
Only I know deeper
I cannot rush this burning
I cannot prepare enough
Time rushes now and it is both too quick
And too slow
If only it were over
But then if it were
I would not yet be ready
What is needed?
I think of time
Time to prepare
But my heart
Rushes time
Or is it the uneasiness of waiting
Lanterns of the Spirit’s Fire
My body is the lantern for my spirit’s fire.
My being sings the song of the Spirit’s lyre.
My ears pick up whispers of Love’s very essence.
My heart sits with others in a healing presence.
My eyes see visions of all that could be.
My mouth speaks words of trembling prophecy.
My hands reach for ways to live what I’ve been shown.
My feet move toward horizons as yet unknown.
If I don’t give in to fear,
I can be a lantern of the Spirit’s Fire.
If we don’t give in to fear,
we can be lanterns of the Spirit’s Fire.
Fear Not
Fear not!
Let melodies that haunt the canyons of remembering know
Be still
Listen tenderly ah
The time is Now.
I Am Mystery
I Am Mystery
Reflection of Love
Reflection of God
I cannot fathom the depths within
I am Mystery
Woman created
Image of God
I probe into all the unanswered whys
Never fully satisfied
How can one be satisfied if one is
Forever deepening?
I am Mystery
Not a single unit
But in unity
In relationship
In communion
I am Mystery
Called by love,
Called in love
Called to love
I am Mystery
Child of God
Body of Christ
Image of God-Trinity