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July 14, 2024
By Peg Spindler, CSA

We live with possibilities in our veins,
seeing thresholds where some see walls.
Life closes enough doors as we make our way.
Reasoned rationale is not always right.
Keep the doors ajar.
Keep the windows cracked open
even when it rains
because we live with, we need, possibilities in our veins.
Mary Mollison, CSA asked: “What if…?”
Bobbie Kennedy wondered: “Why not?”
Martin Luther King, Jr. proclaimed: “I have a dream…”
We, too, live with possibilities in our veins,
rousing risk amidst reality
in hope …

Sacred Ground

June 23, 2024
By Lael Niblick, CSA

You have touched the very depth of me
You have walked within my heart
You have listened to the soul of me
Brothers, Sisters of my heart

You have shared your gentle Mystery
You have opened a Sacred door
You have invited me to enter in
Brothers, Sisters of my heart.

Let us walk in this Mystery
With reverence here on Sacred Ground
Let us grow now in His Love
Brothers, Sisters of my heart.


Cosmic Harmony

June 09, 2024
By Lael Niblick, CSA

I shall not go quietly into that dark night
Nor shall I rage in fury
With my body earth -formed and firmly rooted
My spirit shall rise up joining the star dance,
Embraced in my Beloved’s whisper
My being blossoming in cosmic harmony
Crescendoing into the glorious
Alleluia of Yes!

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May 26, 2024
By Lael Niblick, CSA

This fractal journey,
Calling us from being to becoming
To being, to becoming, to being, to becoming
Ever and ever deeper.

While voices of judgment, cynicism and fear
Whispered, whispered, whispered.
Together we entered
With questions of identity,
And issues for clarification,
With hopes and dreams,
And visions for the future.
We were beckoned,
Deeper and still deeper

Now plunged into the murky realms of 
Holding firm with quaking hearts,
And kairos remembrance,

We find ourselves at Still-Point,
That in-between reality of space and time.
This pause, as between each breath,
Each heart beat,
Or the pulsating energy of all creation,
Holds promise.

And contemplating this Sacred Mystery
We see mirrored in
Transfiguration, our own Transformation.
And still there can be neither tents nor tabernacles.
For the Wind blows where She pleases. 
And from within our enwombed immersion,
We breathe Her light
And as from the baptismal waters of fire,
Break forth in an emergence of Alleluia

If I Cringe

April 28, 2024
By Lael Niblick, CSA

Deepen me Lord - No matter what
But gently
For I am fragile
Stretch me—But Lord understand if I cringe
For I am willing but unsure
Oh Lord do hear 
That I am still your handmaid
Still listening
Move me.

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