We, the Sisters of St. Agnes, participate in the mission of Christ by joyful service in the Church, always aware that we, too, are among the needy and are enriched by those we serve.
Inspired by our founders--by the missionary zeal of Father Caspar Rehrl, the courageous initiatives of Mother Agnes Hazotte and the spiritual influence of Father Francis Haas--we continue to respond in our own times to those whose faith life or human dignity is threatened.
Rooted in Christ through prayer and worship we serve in both rural and urban settings throughout the United States and in Latin America.
We strive to minister with simplicity and hospitality in the fields of education, health care, pastoral ministry and social service.
We are committed to transformation of the world, the Church and ourselves through promoting
- systemic change for the quality of life
- justice for the economically poor
- furtherance of the role of women in church and society
- mutuality, inclusivity and collaboration.
Love binds us together, and by sharing our lives and our faith in community, we support one another to live with singleness of purpose: that among us and in our world the Risen Christ be discovered and revealed.
As women religious, we freely choose to profess our commitment publicly through vows of poverty, celibate chastity, and obedience. Our life in community supports both our spiritual life and ministry. "We envision community to be a sign of the presence of Christ among us and a source of great apostolic power."
(CSA Constitutions)
We are committed to ministries that respond to the Church's call to hear the cry of the poor, following Jesus whose mission was "to bring glad tidings to the poor, to heal the broken-hearted, to proclaim liberty to captives, and release to prisoners." (Luke 4:18). The Sisters of St. Agnes serve in the United States and Nicaragua.
Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes
320 County Road K
Fond du Lac, WI 54937-8158