Giving Options
Gifts of Cash
- Make payable to Congregations of Sisters of St. Agnes.
- Mail to CSA, 320 County Road K, Attn. Mission Advancement, Fond du Lac, WI 54937
- Online gifts: Click on the donate button.
Non-Cash Gifts
- Assets, stocks, and bonds
- Honorary and memorial gifts: make a gift in honor or memory of a loved one
- Matching gifts: your employer may offer matching gifts to double what you share
- Deferred or planned giving: through your own legal or financial advisor make plans to name CSA as a beneficiary of an estate, bequest, trust, retirement plan, insurance policy, etc.
How Your Gift Is Allocated
Financial support of CSA ministries allows the sisters to continue to provide vital assistance to those in need, to advocate for economic justice, to care for the aging sisters, and to fulfill the call of service to the people of God.
You may choose to designate how your gift is used by indicating one of the following:
- United States Ministries
- Nicaragua Ministries
- Care of the Senior Sisters
If you do not wish to make a specific designation, your gift will be used wherever the need is greatest.