Ordinary Sisters
Ordinary Sisters -
The Story of the Sisters of St. Agnes
by Sister Margaret Lorimer, CSA
Published in 2007, this book is the story of one congregation of women religious and of the women who made such communities possible. These women staffed the parochial schools in America, founded and administered hospitals and colleges, and worked with the marginalized and the poor in their own country and in foreign lands. No task was too difficult or menial if it furthered the work of God.3
Various readers have written reflections on Ordinary Sisters.
Ordinary Sisters -
A Story of the Sisters of St. Agnes in Latin America, 1945-1995
by Sister Margaret Lorimer, CSA, and Sister Jean Perry, CSA
This book features stories from CSA's first 50 years of serving in Nicaragua and other Latin American countries. Published in 2019, it highlights the work of the sisters throughout the consistent political conflicts, the changes that came from the Second Vatican Council, and the difficulties of blending the cultures of Nicaragua, Miskito, the US, and CSA.
Books by CSA Sisters from Other Publishers
The Silent Schism
by Brother Louis De Thomasis and Sister Cynthia Nienhaus, CSA
Using the grammar of simplicity found in The Message: Catholic/Ecumenical Edition, Brother Louis De Thomasis and Sister Cynthia Nienhaus, CSA, demonstrate that Jesus was always less worried about doctrine, dogmas, and dictums and more interested in the radical law of love. In The Silent Schism, they call on both traditionalists and progressives in the church to recapture the mission of Jesus to bring about the reign of God "on Earth, as it is in Heaven."
Conversations with the Elders: Personal Stories of Soviet Labor Camp Survivors
by Sisters Alice Ann Pfeifer, CSA, and Mary Elise Leiker, CSA
From 1994 to 2001, Sisters of St. Agnes from Wisconsin served in a Catholic parish in Chelyabinsk founded by German survivors of the work camps. In interviews conducted by two of the sisters, 21 different German pensioners living in the area speak about their lives before, during, and after WWII. An appendix includes a list of all the family names and place names mentioned in each narrative.
Order from American Historical Society of Germans From Russia International
Books by Sister Dianne Bergant, CSA
A prolific author with more than 25 published books and hundreds of published articles, Sister Dianne is known for her expertise in biblical interpretation and biblical theology, particularly issues of peace, ecology, and feminism. Her depth of knowledge is only matched by the enthusiasm and insight she brings to sharing it.