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Bending the Arc references a quote by Rev. Dr. King who said, “The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice.” This digital newsletter from the CSA Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation office showcases the work of changemakers, opportunities to learn, and opportunities for you to help “bend the arc” toward justice. Full contents of the newsletter are published on this page. 
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Archive for the "Poor & Vulnerable" Category

New Opportunity Center Offers a Lifeline to FDL’s Most Vulnerable

January 16, 2025
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

ADVOCAP has recently launched The Opportunity Center, a vital resource for low-income individuals in Fond du Lac. Open since mid-November, the Center has already assisted over 100 people, seeing around 30 people per day on average. It addresses immediate needs while fostering long-term pathways out of poverty, empowering individuals to achieve stability and independence.

The Opportunity Center provides comprehensive support services tailored to help individuals overcome barriers. These include:

  • Basic Needs: Connections to FoodShare, medical insurance, and phone and email registration.
  • Shelter Assistance: Support in finding temporary shelter for those at risk of legal issues when sleeping in public spaces.
  • Employment: Resume building, job search, interview prep, and skill development for economic stability.
  • Mental Health: Access to services addressing mental health, trauma, and substance use disorder.

January 28
4-6 p.m. 
Advocap Opportunity Center (19 W 1st St, Fond du Lac, WI 54935)

How You Can Help?

The Center’s work relies on private donors, but growing demand necessitates additional community support. Ways to contribute include:

  1. Donate Items: Organize drives or drop off items from ADVOCAP’s specific needs list.
  2. Financial Contributions: Enable personalized assistance with monetary gifts or gift cards (Amazon, Walmart).
  3. Volunteer: Support operations at the Center, from restocking items to front desk registration.
  4. Donate Meals: Help provide breakfast and lunch for individuals in the Center. The CSA JPIC Office has created this spreadsheet for volunteers to sign up for at least once weekly lunch items. Several CSA Associates have already signed up and/or brought in lunch items.
  5. Spread Awareness: Share ADVOCAP’s mission widely with your connections
  6. Attend the Open House: Join on January 28 from 4:00–6:00 PM to meet staff, tour the Center, and learn more about ADVOCAP’s impact.

Earlier this month, CSA Associate Carol Rawlins and her great niece brought a food collection to ADVOCAP. Carol was able to connect with Brenda Hull there, who told her where the loading dock was to make an easy transfer of items. Once there, Brenda offered to show Carol the three rooms that were recently made available for the Opportunity Center guests. Carol said, “The rooms are comfortable and spacious to move around or rest, watch TV, or snack when they are available. Since they don't have funding for food Brenda was very grateful that CSA is reaching out to them. It is great to be able to help some in need knowing there is a place they can go to feel safe and supported.”

For more information on how to support the Opportunity Center, please reach out to Brenda Hull at ADVOCAP: or 920-957-0295 (cell). Together, we can work to eliminate barriers and empower individuals to achieve stability and independence, allowing them to pursue the dignified life they deserve.


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Come Have Breakfast

January 08, 2025
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

You are invited to a 3-session online conversation on the book, “Come Have Breakfast: Meditations on God and Earth” by Elizabeth Johnson, CSJ.

Gatherings are Mondays, 5:30 – 6:45 pm CST with the following schedule:
1. January 27, 2025 Before meeting read sections: Intro; Creation: A Relationship; and The Vivifying Presence of God, up to page 91.
2. February 10, 2025 Before meeting, read sections: Jesus and the Earth; and, Humankind and Otherkind, up to page179.
3. February 24, 2025 Before meeting, read section: God’s Beloved Creation and Afterward.

Register with this link by January 15, 2025: 

For more information contact planners, Sr. Catherine Darcy, RSM at; Sr. Carol De Angelo, SC at, Sr. Alice Marie Giordano, OSU at 

Conversation format: opening prayer, highlights of section, small group discussion followed by large group discussion.

Sponsored by Metro New York Catholic Climate Movement, ROAR (Religious Organizations Along the River), Dominican Sisters of Hope, Dominican Sisters of Sparkill, Sisters of Charity of New York, Sisters of Charity of Saint Elizabeth, Sisters of Mercy Justice Team - NY, Ursulines of the Roman Union, Eastern Province.

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Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

Catholic Advocates Urge Biden To Support Debt Relief Measure

January 08, 2025
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

More than 60 Catholic groups and individuals — including the Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes — signed a letter urging President Joseph Biden to support an initiative promoting debt relief for low- and middle-income countries.

Specifically, the letter asks Biden to support a new issuance of Special Drawing Rights, or SDRs, which are a reserve asset created by the International Monetary Fund. With the stroke of a pen, the SDRs through executive authority would provide people around the world with direly needed relief from their suffering in the face of poverty, hunger, and natural disaster and doing so would cap Biden’s legacy of global leadership.

The letter was covered in this Global Sisters Report article on January 6, 2025

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Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

UNANIMA International December Newsletter

December 20, 2024
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

This December, UNANIMA shares news from Italy, Cameroon, Haiti, the 12th Urban Session of the World Urban Forum (WUF12) in Egypt, the 29th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP29) in Azerbaijan, and an upcoming event to be held in Qatar. 

Read the Newsletter

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Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

A Future For All or a Future For Few?

September 06, 2024
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

An 18-page report, released Aug. 28 by Network Advocates for Catholic Social Justice suggests that Project 2025 clashes with several principles of Catholic social teaching, particularly through its proposals that would benefit corporations and wealthy Americans at the expense of the poor and middle class. Learn more in this September 3, 2024, NCR online article.

To learn more about NETWORK’s 2024 nonpartisan voter education campaign, “Vote Our Future,” and the issues at stake in the upcoming election, visit 

Take the Pope Francis Voter Pledge: 

Follow the 2024 Nuns on the Bus (and friends) tour here: 

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Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

Adelante Mujer Celebrates 15 Years!

August 29, 2024
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

Adelante Mujer is a nonprofit organization dedicated to empowering women through education and opportunity. Founded by Sister Ann McKean, CSA, in 2009, Adelante Mujer continues to provide assistance to women studying to become healthcare professionals in Central and Latin America. Adelante Mujer has significantly transformed countless lives in Nicaragua by empowering women to become doctors. According to their most recent Impact Report, “With dedication, in 2023, we had 71 women successfully become doctors, significantly increasing the number of female physicians in Nicaragua.”

Currently, Sisters Doris Klein, CSA, and Diane Bauknecht, CSA, serve on the board of directors as well as CSA Associate, Joan Schilke.

Starting January 2025, they hope to expand programming in Guatemala, adding three nursing school students to fund, two medical students to fund, support for an on-site coordinator, and US travel opportunities to visit the project in the winter and fall.

On Thursday, September 26, the public is invited to celebrate the 15th Anniversary of Adelante Mujer at Marian University’s Stayer Center (National and 2nd Street, FDL), 5:00-7:00 pm. There will be hors d’oeuvres and a cash bar with a short presentation. RSVP appreciated by emailing Barb Senn at or

How else can you be part of this incredible work? 

  • Sign up for their monthly newsletter at 
  • Sponsor a young woman’s journey to becoming a doctor in Nicaragua. 
  • Give specifically to their program in Guatemala and help support their growth and development there. 
  • Donate to the greatest need. 
  • Pledge to give regularly (monthly or annually) so that they know they can count on your donation. 
  • Join the Adelante Mujer Legacy Circle.

Adelante Mujer was founded by Sister Ann McKean, CSA. She passed away in April of 2020, but her legacy lives on thanks to the steadfast leadership of other sisters like Diane Bauknecht, CSA, and donors like you! Sister Ann always said that their biggest challenge was letting more people know about the good work and systemic change their donations make. Please help spread the word, consider your support, and stay connected.


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Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

Justice Coalition of Religious "Lab" - July 22-26

July 12, 2024
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

The annual High Level Political Forum (HLPF) will take place from 8-17 July this year. It functions as the central United Nations platform for the follow-up and review of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Each year, the forum focuses on a select few SDGs, and government leaders voluntarily report on their national progress toward achievement of these SDGs. The SDGs of focus this year are 1, 2, 13, 16, and 17.

In addition to reports from governments, the HLPF also includes events sponsored by civil society groups, to highlight their perspectives on implementation and progress toward the SDGs in their respective countries. JCoR will join the conversation by offering a series of virtual discussion, which we are calling the “JCoR SDG Lab.” This series will showcase Catholic Religious and their partners’ perspectives on progress and good practices towards sustainable development. It will run from 22-26 July and include sessions dedicated to each of the aforementioned SDGs of focus for the 2024 HLPF.

All are welcome to attend these JCoR SDG Lab sessions. 

Get details and register

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Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

From the Dance Floor to the Pope’s Living Room

July 02, 2024
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

Helena Maleno Garzón is a researcher, investigator, journalist, and activist who stands up for the rights of migrants, refugees, asylum seekers, and victims of human trafficking who attempt to reach Europe by sea and land. In her reporting she has denounced human rights violations on the Spanish Southern Border and works with migrant communities in defense of their rights. In 2002, Helena founded Caminando Fronteras (Walking Borders), an organization that rescues sea vessels carrying migrants that are in danger of sinking and provides support for them once they arrive in Europe. It is estimated that she has saved at least ten thousand lives through her work relaying the locations of sinking sea vessels to Spanish naval authorities. Helena continues to do this work despite ongoing judicial harassment and threats from the governments of Morocco and Spain, who have criminalized her efforts.

In 2022, UNANIMA International (UI) selected Helena as their annual Women of Courage Award recipient. Since 2008, UI has been selecting women who demonstrate courage in the face of adversity and whose actions reflect and support the values and principles promoted by the UN. Helena was finally presented her award last month when UI Executive Director, Jean Quinn, DW traveled to Madrid. It was a great celebration that included some unexpected dancing, but Jean was a tremendous sport about it!

Just weeks after Jean’s visit, Helena found herself seated in Pope Francis’ home in Santa Marta where she was invited to come talk about border victims and their families. Helena said, “He is genuinely concerned about their situations and encourages us to keep fighting despite the difficulties and persecutions. I am grateful to him for following closely my case concerning the criminalization of the rights of immigrants by the Spanish and Moroccan states. We will not stop demanding justice and fairness.”

This isn’t the first time a UI Woman of Courage awardee has gone on to have greater recognition. Last year, 2018 Woman of Courage recipient, Maria Herrera Magdaleno, was selected as one of Time Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People of 2023.

Nominations for UI’s 2025 Woman of Courage Award are now being accepted. Please read the nomination criteria, see past recipients, and consider nominating the next courageous, well-deserving woman. Contact with any questions.


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Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

Small Team, Big Dreams, HUGE results

May 31, 2024
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

In their May 2024 newsletter, UNANIMA International shares news from the United Nations and around the world and invites all to consider nominating a woman of courage.

Once again, you will be amazed at all the work the small staff of UNANIMA International (UI) has done this quarter. In fact, as I write this, Executive Director, Jean Quinn, DW, and her Executive Assistant Liana Almony have recently returned from Nairobi, Kenya after attending a successful U.N. Civil Society Conference, on to Paris, and a final stop in Madrid to present UI’s 2022 Woman of Courage Award to Helena Maleno Garzón, founder of Caminando Fronteras (Walking Borders).

Each year, UI presents the “Woman of Courage Award,” which honors women from around the world who have exhibited exceptional courage and leadership to make a difference in their communities, especially for the betterment of the lives of women and children. Nominations are submitted by member congregations, such as CSA, and a vote is held by the UI Board of Directors. Nominations are now open for 2025 Women of Courage Award!

Criteria for the award:

  • A woman who is not a member of the nominating congregation
  • A courageous actor in the face of adversity by the government, popular opinion, or leaders
  • Her actions reflect and support the values and principles promoted by the UN
  • Her actions related to one of the major areas of concern for UI: women/children; human trafficking; poverty; immigrants/refugees; environment/water
  • She is nominated by one or more member congregations of UI
  • Her country of origin lends geographic diversity to the list of past participants (find list here).

Please consider nominating a deserving woman today! For further details and to receive a nomination form, please contact Tracy represents CSA on the UI Board of Directors. Nominations are due July 1, 2024.

In addition to the MANY speaking engagements, committee work, and collaborations you will read about in their May 2023 newsletter, UI staff have been busy preparing a re-release of their publications, Hidden Faces of Homelessness. Women, children and girls are at the center of UI’s work and these updated publications, which mark the 30th anniversary of the International Year of the Family, can help policymakers and other stakeholders understand the current realities of homeless families around the world in order to develop best practices and set better standards. These re-publications will include updated statistics, expert and lived-experience testimonies, and provide meaning for  how different countries define homelessness.

Among the many incredible updates, each newsletter issue features grassroots stories from member congregations. These stories are key to research and advocating at the U.N. Members are ALWAYS encouraged to submit similar stories. Please contact Tracy if you have a story to share.

For those on social media, please follow UNANIMA International on Facebook and Instagram.

Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

Mother Cabrini Inspires Even Centuries After Her Death

March 21, 2024
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

CSA Sisters and Associates celebrated Catholic Sisters Week and Women’s History Month all at once by seeing “Cabrini.”

The movie “Cabrini” chronicles the life and work of Francesca Cabrini, an Italian immigrant nun, who founded one of the largest charitable organizations in the world, the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. She was also the first U.S. citizen to be canonized by the Catholic Church on July 7, 1946.

Cabrini opened in 2,600 theaters nationwide on Friday, March 8, which was also International Women’s Day. Several CSA Sisters and Associates enjoyed dinner and a movie outing to watch the film together. Sister Diane Bauknecht shares her thoughts on the movie:

“The Cabrini movie is a powerful testimony to the life of a sickly woman who heard and followed a call to serve those in need. The film portrays the inner strength of St. Frances Cabrini who was dauntless in her commitment to improve the lives of children, many of whom were orphaned. Her inner strength superseded the frailty of her body when she persisted against both church and civil authorities who reluctantly/grudgingly gave their approval to her enormous projects.

The only weakness I perceived in the film is that it did not seem to show what sustained Mother Cabrini’s tenacious durability. Only once, at the end, did it show Mother Cabrini in prayer. I suspect that was an oversight because she surely must have found her strength in a Power beyond herself.”  

In a March 11 article by Samantha Smith in Black Catholic Messenger, she shares two themes that stood out most in the film. “The first is how Cabrini’s story feels as true to today’s world as it did in her time. While the cultures of today’s immigrants are different, there are continued efforts from American citizens and government leadership to cast them out of the country and ignore their human dignity. However, America was founded on the idea of immigration—that no matter where you come from, you can come here and live a happy and prosperous life.

"The second is how Church leadership has not always been on the right side of progress or the needs of its community. The archbishop in the film plays the 'safe' route—determined not to stir the pot or anger the mayor. And while Pope Leo XIII eventually supports Cabrini and her mission, he didn’t start out that way in the film. As lay Catholics, we can empathize with Cabrini’s challenges to the Church, to push it closer to its mission of helping those in need. Her story serves as motivation to continue that work now.”

You can read the full article here.

If you’ve seen the movie and would like to share your experience, please add a comment to this post!


Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

UNANIMA International News

March 07, 2024
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

In her introduction to UNANIMA International (UI)'s quarterly newsletter, Executive Director, Jean Quinn, DW shares this reflection: 

“March brings us a tapestry of cultural celebrations worldwide, from the colorful Holi in India and Nepal, to the green festivities of St. Patrick’s Day, and the empowering Women's Day. These celebrations help our global community to embrace unity, diversity, and renewal through these joyful events. International Women’s Day, which serves as a powerful reminder of the ongoing struggle for women’s rights and achievements. Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias and discrimination.

UNANIMA International, with NGOs, Civil Society, the UN, and Member States can and must work together in the following key areas that need action:

Investing in women, a human rights issue

Ending Poverty and Homelessness for women and girls

Implementing gender-responsive financing

Shifting to a green economy and care society

As an organization, UNANIMA International-with 25 communities of women in over 100 countries working at the grassroots-are committed to making sure women and girls everywhere are not left behind. Throughout 2024, UI will continue to celebrate women of courage locally and internationally, who have taken the lead to sho9w the importance of the need to change and good practices.

We honor and celebrate all our UI Women at the grassroots, nationally, and internationally.



Read the newsletter online to learn the many ways UI is making a difference.

CSA is one of the 25 member congregations in UNANIMA International. Justice Coordinator, Tracy Abler, represents the congregation on the Board of Directors. The Board will be meeting in New York later this month and request your prayers for safe travels, guidance in planning, and health and energy to carry out the mission.


Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

Homelessness Publications

February 22, 2024
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

Do you know UNANIMA International (UI) has published several resources on Homelessness? Visit to download any of the free publications and use as you see fit.

As a member congregation of UI, our grassroots stories support the research needed to bring these issues to the international level.

Have a story to share? Please send to Tracy at

Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

Help for the Homeless Hygiene Drive

February 08, 2024
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

CSA is a donation site for an annual hygiene drive (February 11-March 3) which helps to ease the financial strain on homeless and crisis programs across Wisconsin.

The Family’s annual ‘Help for the Homeless’ hygiene drive partners with the community to help stock the shelves of 100+ homeless and crisis programs in 19 Wisconsin communities, including Fond du Lac. The goal of the program is to supply a year’s worth of products to each agency. Donations remain in the community they come from. Donations made in the Fond du Lac community will support EIGHT local homeless shelters and crisis programs.

The Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes (CSA) will host a donation box in the Motherhouse Lobby, 320 County Road K. Supply donations can also be accepted at Festival Foods and Walgreens stores. Financial donations can also be made securely online or make checks payable to: “The Family” with “Help for the Homeless” noted in the memo line. Mail to: The Family Radio Network, ATTN: Help for the Homeless, 1909 W. Second Street, Appleton, WI 54914.

Visit the website to see the list of most needed items.

Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

2024 Civil Society Declaration

January 25, 2024
By Tracy Abler, Justice Coordinator

This is the time to rethink our whole approach to society, to accept and implement social change and transformation. Peoples’ needs are changing in response to a quickly evolving context. People want more responsive action to address the key challenges. We need leadership to establish a renewed social contract integrating social, economic, environmental and political justice at both national and international levels.

The 62nd session of the Commission for Social Development (CSocD62) will take place from February 5-14, 2024 in a hybrid (in-person and digital) format in Conference Room 4 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

This year’s priority theme is: “Fostering social development and social justice through social policies to accelerate progress on the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and to achieve the overarching goal of poverty eradication.”

UNANIMA International Executive Director, Jean Quinn, DW, chairs the Executive Committee of CSocD. Sr. Jean is pleased to share with us the 2024 Civil Society Declaration, which calls for placing people and justice at the center of social issues. 

The declaration demands transformative change by:

  1. Establishing nationally owned, human rights-based, social protection systems and floors for all.
  2. Ensuring equal access to healthcare, education, digital technology, affordable housing and food for all.
  3. Extending debt relief for the least developed countries based on solidarity.
  4. Ensuring equal access to a healthy and safe environment for all.
  5. Ensuring that all persons are equal before the law without discrimination.

You can read the 2024 Civil Society Declaration here.

The Congregation of Sisters of St Agnes (CSA) has signed our support of the Declaration. It is now open to public signatures. You are invited to show your support by signing through this link.

The Declaration will be open for signatures/endorsements until February 2, 2024. Please share this Declaration with your networks!

All signatures received will be shared with Bureau members of this Commission, UN Member States and the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs at the opening of the 62nd session of the Commission on February 5, 2024.


Posted in Poor & Vulnerable

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