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May 24, 2020
By Sister Mary Christopher Esler, CSA

Where is it that we see God?⠀
In a robin’s nest⠀
Or a mountain stream?⠀
A sunset or sunrise?⠀
A rainbow across the sky?⠀
When nature paints colors in the sky⠀
And clouds on the horizon?⠀
In the fields of daisies⠀
Or a single sunflower or dandelion?⠀
In the gurgling of an infant⠀
Or a smile on the face of a 3 year old⠀
With a cookie in each hand?⠀

Yes, do we recognize God in the quakes and storms?⠀
In mud slides, removing whole villages?⠀
In Katrina and Wilma?⠀
Is God in the plagues and fires?⠀
Wherever we see God, we must never forget –⠀
He cares for us and life and nature are a mystery.⠀
God’s love is not a mystery⠀

God of the daisy and dandelion⠀
Awaken me to your presence.⠀

God of storms and disaster⠀
Let me bow before your power.⠀

All things turn unto good for those who love God.⠀