Sister René leaves New Mexico to live in Fond du Lac
As Sister René Backe wrapped up her 37 years of ministry in the Diocese of Gallup, New Mexico, the Diocese held a liturgy, dinner and reception on May 15th to honor René and thank her for her years of service, dedication and commitment. As people spoke during the celebration, it was apparent that whatever need arose in the diocese, René was there to offer service.
René served in Farmington, New Mexico for 20 years and in Gallup, New Mexico for the past 17 years. Among the services she provided during that time was: Adult and Religious Education Coordinator, School Principal, Superintendent of Schools, Retreat Center Director, Spiritual Director, CSA Regional Coordinator, Vicar for Religious, and Academic Director of the Deacon Formation Program.
While René felt right at home in this Land of Enchantment, it was obvious that God’s people there have been truly enchanted by René’s warmth and hospitality, her zeal and sense of mission, her compassion and her spiritual leadership!