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Marian Academic Symposium

April 19, 2024
By Sisters of St. Agnes (CSA)

Each spring, Marian University spends a day inviting faculty, staff, students, and the community at large to explore a single theme at their Academic Symposium. This year, the symposium focused on the concept of work. “It can be a calling, or it can be punishment, not life-giving. The magnitude of this simple four-letter word helps create identity and self-worth, assists in establishing societal norms and expectations, design laws to regulate workplace fairness and safety, and throughout history has shaped human culture.” 

The planning team for the event included Sister Donna Innes, Associate Cathy Mathweg, and Professors Cheryl Ayala (emerita), and James Gray. The team brought together speakers and panelists from various walks of life to offer a keynote address and 31 sessions over the course of the day. Two sisters and two associates were among the many session presenters and panelists.

Associate Jen Farvour presented “The Role of Empowerment, Leadership, and Innovation in the Workplace: The Relevance of the Challenges Facing Higher Education.” Sister Mary Christine (pictured above) was one of three panelists speaking on “Who/What Am I When I am No Longer a …”. Associate Tracy Abler presented “The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers: A Catholic Social Teaching Theme.” Sister Sue Seeby joined four other panelists for “Stories of How We Choose Our Life’s Work.” 

Those in attendance remarked on how they were given greater insights in the current state of higher education, how they left feeling more hopeful about retired life, and that their eyes had been opened about human trafficking in our region. One attendee remarked, “I loved to hear the stories of how each individual ended up where they are today, and that people’s lives ended up different than what they intended.” Another echoed that the sessions had brought them comfort in the ambiguity of the future, “It was helpful to hear that you don’t have to know what you want to do!” 

Explore photos from the day