CSA Remains Committed to Transformation of the World
The Congregation of Sisters of St. Agnes (CSA) remains committed to transforming the world, the Church, and ourselves by promoting systemic change for quality of life, justice for those who are economically poor, advancing the role of women in the Church and society, and fostering mutuality, inclusivity, and collaboration.
In times of transition, it can be tempting to isolate ourselves or only surround ourselves with like-minded individuals, further polarizing an already divided community. As we move into a new federal administration, we are reminded of the United States motto, E pluribus unum—“Out of many, one.” This motto’s symbol is visible throughout our nation’s capital in the form of a bundle of sticks bound together to create a larger, stronger column, called a fascis (plural: fasces). Fasces are prominently displayed in the Lincoln Memorial, symbolizing our shared values of justice and unity.
In the United States, we are bound by these values of justice and unity. A historically accurate fascis includes an axe bound with the rods, as seen in the symbol of the United States Senate. Originally intended to convey strength, like a sword representing protection, the axe can also be misused, turning into a symbol of punishment and authoritarian power. As the CSA Mission Statement reminds us, we must act with courageous initiative whenever we see threats to human dignity. Let us come together in the days ahead to ensure the symbols of our democracy continue to uphold justice and unity for all.
This same protection must also extend beyond humanity. God’s directive for us to serve as stewards and protectors of this beautiful creation has been transformed into authoritarian power to create and destroy at our leisure. This interpretation gives humans permission to ignore long-term consequences of destroying the world around us and deny the interconnectedness of all things. CSA will instead continue to honor and promote “our interdependence with all of God's creation and in a spirit of nonviolence, personally and communally renew and recommit to care for Earth, home of all living creatures” (CSA Corporate Stance on Care for Earth).
“If the present ecological crisis is one small sign of the ethical, cultural, and spiritual crisis of modernity, we cannot presume to heal our relationship with nature and the environment without healing all fundamental human relationships” (Laudato Si’ #119). As a country of diverse backgrounds and experiences, we invite all our neighbors into a unifying embrace, ensuring that none are left behind. “Love binds us together, and by sharing our lives and our faith in community, we support one another to live with singleness of purpose: that among us and in our world the Risen Christ be discovered and revealed” (CSA Mission).
The CSA Mission is supplemented by CSA’s statements on women and peace and nonviolence as well as corporate stances on anti-racism, caring for Earth, against the death penalty, and against human trafficking.